Chiropractic Assessments

An independent Chiropractic Assessment is an evaluation of conditions related to the spine and joints and the effect of any dysfunctions or disorders on the nervous system (i.e. low back, shoulder and knee pain). It involves a detailed review of documentation,...

Orthopedic Assessments

An independent Orthopaedic Evaluation is a comprehensive medical assessment by an expert musculoskeletal evaluator culminating in a report that summarizes the claimant’s subjective complaints, and the orthopaedic surgeon’s objective findings in relation to any...

Physiatry Assessments

An independent Physiatry Evaluation is a comprehensive medical evaluation of the claimant’s musculoskeletal and soft tissue injuries, neurological complaints, and pain syndromes (such as fibromyalgia or myofascial pain syndrome) conducted by an expert in physical...

Physiotherapy Assessments

An independent Physiotherapy Examination involves a review of the musculoskeletal system to determine the presence of an impairment attributable to the incident in question. Such an evaluation comprises of an interview with the claimant, objective measurements and...

Chronic Pain Assessments

An independent Chronic Pain examination serves to provide an accurate classification of chronic pain conditions. Our expert medical professionals conduct a reliable and valid pain assessment where the severity of the pain condition is evaluated, the longitudinal...

Neurological Assessments

An independent Neurological Evaluation is a comprehensive medical evaluation concentrating on the nervous system to determine whether there is objective evidence of neurological injury due to the incident in question, and if so, whether such an injury constitutes an...