An independent Ergonomic Assessment includes an evaluation of the employee’s work station on site and provides recommendations for modifications or assistive devices/technology to ensure work safety, prevention of a new injury or re-injury, and accommodation of the...
A Functional Abilities Evaluation (FAE), also known as a Functional Capacity Assessment (FCA), is a method of assessing an individual’s work capacity or the level at which the individual is able to function. This evaluation matches the individual’s current performance...
An independent Physical Demands Analysis (aka Job Site/Demands Analysis) is an evaluation that typically takes place at the claimant’s place of employment. This analysis, conducted by a chiropractor, an occupational therapist, or another appropriately trained...
An independent Cognitive Demands Analysis (CDA) is a detailed evaluation of the cognitive requirements of a job and is completed in combination with a Physical Demands Analysis (PDA). Such an analysis captures the cognitive requirements of a position. Cognitive...
A Labour Market Survey (LMS) is used to identify availability of jobs in a specific geographic region. Such occupations are often those identified as suitable employment options originating from a Vocational Assessment and a Transferable Skills Analysis. An LMS...
A Transferable Skills Analysis (TSA) is a method of evaluation that is useful in determining what types of occupations a claimant is able to perform given his/her education, experience, training and earnings potential. It is often conducted in conjunction with an...